Sounds About Write

Stacey Lastoe Edits Food & Travel Stories and Lives in Dream Job City

Episode Summary

Stacey began her career in book publishing, but after a couple of years and over ten months backpacking around South America, she found herself in the wonderful world of digital publishing, where writing at breakneck speed became both a skill and an impetus to find the Next. Best. Thing. A job at Refinery29 gave her a chance to work across all verticals—and truly flex her editing muscles. Fast forward several years later, and Stacey has come full circle in her role as a senior travel editor at CNN. Now she gets to report amazing travel stories and edit brilliant writers' fantastic travel stories. It's all basically a dream come true and yet feels exactly how it was all supposed to happen.

Episode Notes

Check out Stacey's article on Newfoundland here.